Chapter 8. MacPorts Guide Glossary
This section defines a number of words which may be new to
the reader. These are all defined in the context of Macports
instead of as general purpose definition.
MacPorts Guide Terms
- activate phase
- automake
- autoconf
- destroot phase
- port binary
- build
- build phase
- checksum
A checksum is a small piece of data, derived from
an original that can be used to ensure that two files are
- checksum phase
- compile
- configure
- configure phase
- dependency
- destroot phase
- diff
- extract phase
- fetch phase
- free software
- global keyword
- gunzip
- keyword
- keyword argument modifier
- keyword list modifier
- library
- MacPorts
A system for compiling, installing, and managing free and open
source software comprised of an infrastructure called MacPorts base
and a collection of ports. MacPorts current port collection defines
the software may be installed.
- open source software
- patch phase
- patch file
- pextlib
- phase
- port
- port command
- port image
- port maintainer
- port phase
- port phase keyword
- PortGroup
- Portfile
- registry
- rsync
- selfupdate
- shell
- StartupItem
- Subversion
- sync
- tar
- Tcl
- Tcl extension
- Trac
- Unix
- unzip
- variant
- Xcode Tools
- X11
- zip