1. Introduction
2. Installing MacPorts
2.1. Install Xcode
2.2. Install MacPorts
2.3. Upgrade MacPorts
2.4. Uninstall MacPorts
2.5. MacPorts and the Shell
3. Using MacPorts
3.1. The port Command
3.2. Port Variants
3.3. Common Tasks
3.4. Port Binaries
4. Portfile Development
4.1. Portfile Introduction
4.2. Creating a Portfile
4.3. Example Portfiles
4.4. Port Variants
4.5. Subports
4.6. Patch Files
4.7. Local Portfile Repositories
4.8. Portfile Best Practices
4.9. MacPorts' buildbot
5. Portfile Reference
5.1. Global Keywords
5.2. Global Variables
5.3. Port Phases
5.4. Dependencies
5.5. Variants
5.6. Subports
5.7. Tcl Extensions & Useful Tcl Commands
5.8. StartupItems
5.9. Livecheck / Distcheck
5.10. PortGroups
6. MacPorts Internals
6.1. File Hierarchy
6.2. Configuration Files
6.3. Port Images
6.4. APIs and Libs
6.5. The MacPorts Registry
6.6. Tests
7. MacPorts Project
7.1. Using Trac for Tickets
7.2. Using Git and GitHub
7.3. Contributing to MacPorts
7.4. Port Update Policies
7.5. Updating Documentation
7.6. MacPorts Membership
7.7. The PortMgr Team
8. MacPorts Guide Glossary

5.6. Subports

The subport declaration causes MacPorts to define an additional port, with the name given by the declaration. The keywords for the subport are those in the global section of the Portfile, and those in the brace-enclosed body.

subport name body


Portfile                   1.0

name                       example

depends_lib                aaa
configure.args             --bbb

subport example-sub1 {
    depends_lib-append     ccc
    configure.args         --ddd

subport example-sub2 {
    depends_lib-append     eee
    configure.args-append  --fff


Because MacPorts treats each subport as a separate port declaration, each subport will have its own, independent phases: fetch, configure, build, destroot, install, activate, etc. However, because the subports share the global declaration part, all the subports will by default share the same dist_subdir. This means that MacPorts only needs to fetch the distfiles once, and the remaining subports can reuse the distfiles.