1. Introduction
2. Installing MacPorts
2.1. Install Xcode
2.2. Install MacPorts
2.3. Upgrade MacPorts
2.4. Uninstall MacPorts
2.5. MacPorts and the Shell
3. Using MacPorts
3.1. The port Command
3.2. Port Variants
3.3. Common Tasks
3.4. Port Binaries
4. Portfile Development
4.1. Portfile Introduction
4.2. Creating a Portfile
4.3. Example Portfiles
4.4. Port Variants
4.5. Subports
4.6. Patch Files
4.7. Local Portfile Repositories
4.8. Portfile Best Practices
4.9. MacPorts' buildbot
5. Portfile Reference
5.1. Global Keywords
5.2. Global Variables
5.3. Port Phases
5.4. Dependencies
5.5. Variants
5.6. Subports
5.7. Tcl Extensions & Useful Tcl Commands
5.8. StartupItems
5.9. Livecheck / Distcheck
5.10. PortGroups
6. MacPorts Internals
6.1. File Hierarchy
6.2. Configuration Files
6.3. Port Images
6.4. APIs and Libs
6.5. The MacPorts Registry
6.6. Tests
7. MacPorts Project
7.1. Using Trac for Tickets
7.2. Using Git and GitHub
7.3. Contributing to MacPorts
7.4. Port Update Policies
7.5. Updating Documentation
7.6. MacPorts Membership
7.7. The PortMgr Team
8. MacPorts Guide Glossary

5.3. Port Phases

5.3.1. Introduction

The MacPorts port installation process has a number of distinct phases that are described in detail in this section. The default scripts coded into MacPorts base performs the standard configure, make, and make install steps. For applications that do not conform to this standard, installation phases may be declared in a Portfile to augment or override the default behavior as described in the Portfile Development chapter.


Fetch the ${distfiles} from ${master_sites} and place it in ${prefix}/var/macports/distfiles/${name}.


Compare ${checksums} specified in a Portfile to the checksums of the fetched ${distfiles}.


Unzip and untar the ${distfiles} into the path ${prefix}/var/macports/build/..../work


Apply optional patch files specified in ${patchfiles} to modify a port's source code file(s).


Execute ${configure.cmd} in ${worksrcpath}.


Execute ${build.cmd} in ${worksrcpath}.


Execute commands to run test suites bundled with a port, available only for a fraction of ports. This is an optional phase, run only if port test is executed, and always works with a build from source, not a binary. A failure is only for the user's information, and does not block a subsequent installation from the build.


Execute the command make install DESTDIR=${destroot}in ${worksrcpath}.


Using a DESTDIR variable is a part of standard GNU coding practices, and this variable must be supported in an application's install routines for MacPorts' destroot phase to work without manual Portfile scripting or source patching. Urge developers to fully support DESTDIR in their applications.

Understanding the destroot phase is critical to understanding MacPorts, because, unlike some package management systems, MacPorts stages an installation into an intermediate location, not the final file destination. MacPorts uses the destroot phase to provide:

  • Port uninstalls - a port's files may be cleanly uninstalled because all files and directories are recorded during install.

  • Multiple port versions may be installed on the same host, since a port's files are not directly inserted into ${prefix} but rather hard-linked into ${prefix} from an intermediate location during a later activation phase.

Any empty directories in ${destroot} upon completion of the destroot phase are removed unless a directory name is placed in the value field of the optional destroot.keepdirs keyword.


Archive a port's destrooted files into ${prefix}/var/macports/software. See Port Images in the MacPorts Internals chapter for details.


Extract the port's files from the archive in ${prefix}/var/macports/software to their final installed locations, usually inside ${prefix}.

5.3.2. Installation Phase Keywords

MacPorts keywords are used to specify required or optional items within a Portfile, or to override default options used by MacPorts base for individual ports. Keywords are to be used within the global and variant sections of Portfiles, and not within optional port phase declarations.

In other words, port phase keywords are not located within port phase declarations, but rather they refer to port phases and set options for those phases, and they take effect whether or not phase declarations have been explicitly defined in a Portfile. Keyword List Modifiers (-append, -delete, -replace, -strsed)

Keyword list modifiers are keywords that end in -append, -delete or -replace. Keywords that support list modifiers are identified under appropriate reference sections below.

-append adds a value to the keyword, -delete removes a previously added item. -replace takes two arguments and replaces the first value from the keyword with the second value. -strsed treats the keyword value as a string and filters it through strsed using the given pattern. There is also a deprecated syntax for -replace which takes only one argument and behaves the same as -strsed.

Keyword list modifiers are most frequently used for these three purposes:

  1. Preserve configure defaults set by a previously executed Portfile keyword or by MacPorts base

    MacPorts base sets the gcc compiler flags CFLAGS and LDFLAGS for all ports using configure.cflags and configure.ldflags, therefore to keep from overwriting the default compiler flags use configure.cflags-append and configure.ldflags-append.

    • configure.cflags-append

    • configure.ldflags-append

  2. Preserve PortGroup Dependencies

    Ports in a PortGroup have default library dependencies set by MacPorts base. Therefore, never use depends_lib in ports belonging to a PortGroup or it will overwrite the default library dependencies. Instead, use depends_lib-append.

  3. Add or Delete Items for Variants

    When a variant requires more or fewer dependencies, distfiles, or patchfiles, when the variant is invoked you want to add or remove items to the appropriate keyword values list set in the global section of the Portfile. Use the appropriate keywords, for example:

    • depends_lib-append or depends_lib-delete or depends_lib-replace

    • distfiles-append or distfiles-delete or distfiles-replace

    • patchfiles-append or patchfiles-delete or patchfiles-replace Keyword Argument Modifiers (.pre_args / .post_args)

Keywords that support pre_args and post_args are used to assemble command strings together in a row, as described in the reference sections below. But it should be noted that all keyword argument modifiers implicitly support keyword list modifiers. For example, the keyword configure.pre_args also supports configure.pre_args-append and configure.pre_args-delete.

5.3.3. Fetch Phase Keywords

The list of keywords related to the fetch phase.


A list of URLs from which a port's ${distfiles} may be retrieved.

Keyword values for master_sites may include predefined site lists known as mirrors, such as sourceforge, gnu, etc. The file(s) declared in ${distfiles} will be fetched from one of the locations defined in master_sites, while trying to find the best reachable mirror for the user's connection.

For a complete list of mirrors and their list of sites, see the file mirror_sites.tcl located in _resources/port1.0/fetch/ in the ports tree.


If a master_sites keyword has multiple values, after any mirrors are expanded the list of sites is sorted by ping response times. The sites are then tried in sorted order until matching ${distfiles} are found.

  • Default: none (but the macports_distfiles mirror is always implicitly appended)

  • Examples:

    master_sites        https://www.example.org/files/ \

    You may also use mirror site lists predefined by MacPorts. Here the sourceforge, gnu, and freebsd mirrors are used.

    master_sites        sourceforge gnu freebsd

    When using mirror master_sites, the subdirectory ${name} is checked on every mirror. If the mirror subdirectory does not match ${name}, then you may specify it using after the mirror separated by a colon.

    master_sites        sourceforge:widget \

    For ports that must fetch multiple download files from different locations, you must label the files with tags and match the tags to a distfiles keyword. The format is mirror:subdirectory:tag.

    In the example below, file_one.tar.gz is fetched from sourceforge mirrors in subdirectory ${name}; file tagtwo.tar.gz is fetched from the gnu mirrors in subdirectory sources.

    master_sites        sourceforge::tagone \
    distfiles           file_one.tar.gz:tagone \

Subdirectory to append to all mirror sites for any list specified in ${master_sites}.

  • Default: ${name}

  • Example:

    master_sites.mirror_subdir  magic

A list of sites from which a port's patchfiles may be downloaded, where applicable.

  • Default: ${master_sites}

  • Example:

    patch_sites         ftp://ftp.patchcityrepo.com/pub/magic/patches

Subdirectory to append to all mirror sites for any list specified in ${patch_sites}.

  • Default: ${name}

  • Example:

    patch_sites.mirror_subdir   magic

The name of the distribution filename, not including the extract suffix (see below).

  • Default: ${name}-${version}

  • Example:

    distname            ${name}

The full distribution filename, including the extract suffix. Used to specify non-default distribution filenames; this keyword must be specified (and tags used) when a port has multiple download files (see master_sites).

  • Default: ${distname}${extract.suffix}

  • Examples:

    distfiles           ${name}-dev_src.tgz
    distfiles           file_one.tar.gz:tagone \

The last path component of ${distpath}. Override it to store multiple ports' distfiles in the same directory (such as multiple ports providing different versions of the same software), or if a stealth update has occurred.

  • Default: ${name}

  • Examples:

    dist_subdir         gcc
    dist_subdir         ${name}/${version}_1

Sets the path to source directory relative to workpath. It can be used if the extracted source directory has a different name than the distfile. Also used if the source to be built is in a subdirectory.

  • Default: ${distname}

  • Examples:

    worksrcdir          ${name}-src-${version}
    worksrcdir          ${distname}/src Advanced Fetch Options

Some mirrors require special options for a resource to be properly fetched.


Change the fetch type. This is only necessary if a bzr, cvs, git, hg, or svn checkout is being used. standard is used for a normal http or ftp fetch using ${distfiles} and is used as default.

  • Default: standard

  • Values: standard bzr cvs git hg svn

  • Example:

    fetch.type          svn
    svn.url             svn://example.org
    svn.revision        2100

HTTP or FTP user to fetch the resource.

  • Default: none

  • Example:

    TODO: add example

User-Agent string to send when fetching the resource.

  • Default: MacPorts/x.y.z libcurl/x.y.z

  • Example:

    fetch.user_agent    Mozilla/5.0

HTTP or FTP password to fetch the resource.

  • Default: none

  • Example:

    TODO: add example

Whether to use EPSV command for FTP transfers.

  • Default: yes

  • Example:

    fetch.use_epsv      no

Whether to ignore the host SSL certificate (for HTTPS).

  • Default: no

  • Example:

    fetch.ignore_sslcert    yes Fetch from BZR

Bzr may be used as an alternative method of fetching distribution files using the keywords in this section. However, fetching via bzr may cause non-reproducible builds, so it is strongly discouraged.

The bzr fetch.type is used to fetch source code from a bzr repository.


This specifies the url from which to fetch files.

  • Default: none

  • Examples:

    bzr.url             lp:inkscape
    bzr.url             lp:~callelejdfors/pycg/trunk

Optional tag for fetching with bzr, this specifies the revision to checkout

  • Default: -1 (the last committed revision)

  • Example:

    bzr.revision          2209 Fetch from CVS

CVS may be used as an alternative method of fetching distribution files using the keywords in this section. However, fetching via CVS may cause non-reproducible builds, so it is strongly discouraged.

The cvs fetch.type is used to fetch source code from a CVS repository.


Specify the url from which to fetch files.

  • Default: none

  • Example:

    cvs.root            :pserver:anonymous@cvs.sv.gnu.org:/sources/emacs

Password to login to the CVS server.

  • Default: none

  • Example:

    cvs.password        nice-password

Optional for fetching with CVS, this specifies the code revision to checkout.

  • Default: none

  • Example:

    cvs.tag             HEAD

A date that identifies the CVS code set to checkout.

  • Default: none

  • Example:

    cvs.date            "12-April-2007"

A CVS module from which to check out the code.

  • Default: none

  • Example:

    cvs.module          Sources Fetch from Git

Git may be used as an alternative method of fetching distribution files using the keywords in this section. However, fetching via Git may cause non-reproducible builds, so it is strongly discouraged.

The git fetch.type is used to fetch source code from a git repository.


This specifies the url from which to fetch files.

  • Default: none

  • Examples:

    git.url             git://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/git/git.git
    git.url             https://www.kernel.org/pub/scm/git/git.git

Optional tag for fetching with git, this specifies the tag or other commit-ish that git should checkout. Note that any tag on a branch besides HEAD should be prefixed by origin/.

  • Default: none

  • Example:

    git.branch             72bf1c8
    git.branch             origin/next Fetch from Mercurial

Mercurial may be used as an alternative method of fetching distribution files using the keywords in this section. However, fetching via Mercurial may cause non-reproducible builds, so it is strongly discouraged.

The hg fetch.type is used to fetch source code from a Mercurial repository.


This specifies the url from which to fetch files.

  • Default: none

  • Examples:

    hg.url              https://www.kernel.org/hg/index.cgi/linux-2.6/
    hg.url              http://hg.intevation.org/mercurial

Optional tag which should be fetched. Can be a Mercurial tag or a revision. To prevent non-reproducible builds use of tip as revision is discouraged.

  • Default: tip

  • Example:

    hg.tag              v1.3
    hg.tag              ceb884843737 Fetch from Subversion

Subversion may be used as an alternative method of fetching distribution files using the keywords in this section. However, fetching via Subversion may cause non-reproducible builds, so it is strongly discouraged.

The svn fetch.type is used to fetch source code from an svn repository.


This specifies the url from which to fetch files.

  • Default: none

  • Examples:

    svn.url             https://www.example.com/svn-repo/mydirectory
    svn.url             svn://svn.example.com/svn-repo/mydirectory

Optional tag for fetching with Subversion, this specifies the peg revision to checkout; it corresponds to the @REV syntax of the svn cli.

  • Default: none

  • Example:

    svn.revision        37192

Optional tag for fetching with Subversion, this specifies whether to check out the code into a working copy, or just export it without the working copy metadata. An export is preferable because it takes half the disk space, but some software expects to be built in a working copy (for example because it wants to record the revision number into itself somewhere).

  • Default: export

  • Example:

    svn.method          checkout

5.3.4. Checksum Phase Keywords

The list of keywords related to the checksum phase.


Checksum(s) of the distribution files. For ports with multiple distribution files, filenames must be included to associate files with their checksums. Each checksum entry should also indicate the file's size.

At least two checksum types (typically rmd160 and sha256) should be used to ensure the integrity of the distfiles.

  • Default: none

  • Examples:

    checksums           rmd160  0c1147242adf476f5e93f4d59b553ee3ea378b23 \
                        sha256  baf8a29ff721178317aac7b864c2d392b1accc02de8677dd24c18fd5717bf26e \
                        size    1039840
    checksums           ${distname}${extract.suffix} \
                            rmd160  0c1147242adf476f5e93f4d59b553ee3ea378b23 \
                            sha256  883715307c31ae2c145db15d2404d89a837f4d03d7e6932aed21d1d1f21dad89 \
                            size    2429530 \
                        hobbit.tar.gz \
                            rmd160  82b9991f3bf0ceedbf74c188c5fa44b98b5e40c9 \
                            sha256  2c3afd16915e9f8eac2351673f8b599f5fd2ff9064d4dfe61f750d72bab740b3 \
                            size    8594032

5.3.5. Extract Phase Keywords

The list of keywords related to the extract phase.


This keyword is used to specify that the extract phase should be done as the root user.

  • Default: no

  • Example:

    extract.asroot      no

This keyword is used to specify the extract suffix type.

  • Default: .tar.gz

  • Example:

    extract.suffix      .tgz

This keyword is for downloads that are compressed using the 7z algorithm. When invoked, it automatically sets:

extract.suffix = .7z
extract.cmd    = 7za

  • Default: no

  • Example:

    use_7z           yes

This keyword is for downloads that are tarred and bzipped. When invoked, it automatically sets:

extract.suffix = .tar.bz2
extract.cmd    = bzip

  • Default: no

  • Example:

    use_bzip2           yes

This keyword is for downloads that are packaged as a DMG file. When invoked, it automatically sets:

extract.suffix    = .dmg
extract.cmd       = hdiutil

  • Default: no

  • Example:

    use_dmg              yes

This keyword is for downloads that are compressed using the lzma algorithm. When invoked, it automatically sets:

extract.suffix    = .tar.lz
extract.cmd       = lzip

  • Default: no

  • Example:

    use_lzip             yes

This keyword is for downloads that are compressed using the lzma algorithm. When invoked, it automatically sets:

extract.suffix    = .lzma
extract.cmd       = lzma

  • Default: no

  • Example:

    use_lzma             yes

This keyword is for downloads that are uncompressed tar archives. When invoked, it automatically sets:

extract.suffix    = .tar
extract.cmd       = tar
extract.pre_args  = -xf

  • Default: no

  • Example:

    use_tar             yes

This keyword is for downloads that are zipped. When invoked, it automatically sets:

extract.suffix    = .zip
extract.cmd       = unzip
extract.pre_args  = -q
extract.post_args = "-d ${extract.dir}"

  • Default: no

  • Example:

    use_zip             yes

This keyword is for downloads that are compressed using the xz tool. When invoked, it automatically sets:

extract.suffix    = .tar.xz
extract.cmd       = xz

  • Default: no

  • Example:

    use_xz             yes

This keyword is used to specify if the directory worksrcdir is part of the distfile or if it should be created automatically and the distfiles should be extracted there instead. This is useful for distfiles with a flat structure which would pollute the worksrcdir with lots of files.

  • Default: no

  • Example:

    extract.mkdir       yes
extract.only, extract.only-append, extract.only-delete

List of files to extract into ${worksrcpath}. Only use if default extract behavior is not correct for your port.

  • Default: ${distfiles}

  • Example:

    extract.only        foo.tar.gz
    extract.only-append     bar.tar.gz
    extract.only-delete     foo.tar.gz

Command to perform extraction.

  • Default: gzip

  • Example:

    extract.cmd         gunzip
extract.args, extract.pre_args, extract.post_args

Main arguments to extract.cmd; additional arguments passed before and after the main arguments.

  • Default: ${distpath}/${distfile}

  • Example:

    extract.args        ${distpath}/${distfile}

The following argument modifiers are available:

  • extract.pre_args, defaults to: -dc

  • extract.post_args, defaults to: "| tar -xf -"

  • Examples:

    extract.pre_args    xf
    extract.post_args   "| gnutar -x"

5.3.6. Patch Phase Keywords

The list of keywords related to the patch phase.


Specify the base path for patch files.

  • Default: ${worksrcpath}

  • Example:

    patch.dir           ${worksrcpath}/util

Specify the command to be used for patching files.

  • Default: patch

  • Example:

    patch.cmd           cat
patchfiles, patchfiles-append, patchfiles-delete

Specify patch files to be applied for a port; list modifiers specify patchfiles to be added or removed from a previous patchfile declaration.

  • Default: none

  • Example:

    patchfiles          destdir-variable-fix.diff \
    patchfiles-append   patch-configure.diff
    patchfiles-delete   destdir-variable-fix.diff
patch.args, patch.pre_args, patch.post_args

Main arguments to patch.cmd; optional argument modifiers pass arguments before and after the main arguments.

  • Default: none

  • Example:

    patch.args          ???

The following argument modifiers are available:

  • patch.pre_args, defaults to: -p0

  • patch.post_args, defaults to: none

  • Examples:

    patch.pre_args      -p1
    patch.post_args     ???

5.3.7. Configure Phase Keywords

The list of keywords related to the configure phase.

MacPorts base sets some important default configure options, so should use the -append version of most configure keywords so you don't overwrite them. For example, MacPorts base sets default configure.cflags so you should always use configure.cflags-append to set additional CFLAGS in Portfiles.


Sets if the configure phase should be run. Can be used if the port has no ./configure script.

  • Default: yes

  • Example:

    use_configure    no
configure.cmd, configure.cmd-append, configure.cmd-delete

Selects the command to be run in the default configure phase.

  • Default: ./configure

  • Example:

    configure.cmd       ./config.sh
configure.env, configure.env-append, configure.env-delete

Set environment variables for configure; list modifiers add and delete items from a previous Portfile configure.env keyword, or a default set by MacPorts base. If available, it is encouraged to use the predefined options (like configure.cflags) instead of modifying configure.env directly.

  • Default: CFLAGS=-I${prefix}/include LDFLAGS=-L${prefix}/lib

  • Example:

    configure.env       QTDIR=${prefix}/lib/qt3
    configure.env-append    ABI=32
    configure.env-delete    TCLROOT=${prefix}
configure.optflags, configure.optflags-append, configure.optflags-delete

Set optimization compiler flags; list modifiers add or delete items from a previous Portfile configure.optflags keyword or the default set by MacPorts base.

  • Default: -Os

  • Example:

    configure.optflags    -O2
    configure.optflags-append     -finline-functions
    configure.optflags-delete     -Os
configure.cflags, configure.cflags-append, configure.cflags-delete

Set CFLAGS compiler flags; list modifiers add or delete items from a previous Portfile configure.cflags keyword or the default set by MacPorts base.

  • Default: ${configure.optflags}

  • Example:

    configure.cflags    -Os -flat_namespace
    configure.cflags-append     "-undefined suppress"
    configure.cflags-delete     -O2
configure.ldflags, configure.ldflags-append, configure.ldflags-delete

Set LDFLAGS compiler flags; list modifiers add or delete items from a previous Portfile configure.ldflags keyword or the default set by MacPorts base.

  • Default: -L${prefix}/lib -Wl,-headerpad_max_install_names

  • Example:

    configure.ldflags   "-L${worksrcpath}/zlib -lz"
    configure.ldflags-append    "-L/usr/X11R6/lib -L${worksrcpath}/lib"
    configure.ldflags-delete    -L${prefix}/lib/db44
configure.cppflags, configure.cppflags-append, configure.cppflags-delete

Set CPPFLAGS to be passed to the C processor; list modifiers add or delete items from a previous Portfile configure.cppflags keyword or the default set by MacPorts base.

  • Default: -I${prefix}/include

  • Example:

    configure.cppflags  -I${worksrcpath}/include
    configure.cppflags-append   "-I/usr/X11R6/lib -I${worksrcpath}/lib -DHAVE_RRD_12X"
    configure.cppflags-delete   -I${prefix}/lib/db44
configure.cxxflags, configure.cxxflags-append, configure.cxxflags-delete

Set CXXFLAGS to be passed to the C++ processor; list modifiers add or delete items from a previous Portfile configure.cxxflags keyword or the default set by MacPorts base.

  • Default: ${configure.optflags}

  • Example:

    TODO: add example
configure.objcflags, configure.objcflags-append, configure.objcflags-delete

TODO: add description

  • Default: ${configure.optflags}

  • Example:

    TODO: add example
configure.classpath, configure.classpath-append, configure.classpath-delete

TODO: add description

  • Default: ???

  • Example:

    TODO: add example

The version of the macOS SDK to build against.

  • Default: ${macos_version_major}

  • Example:

    configure.sdk_version 10.13

The path to the macOS SDK to build against.

  • Default: (empty) (10.14 and older with Command Line Tools installed, if ${configure.sdk_version} == ${macos_version_major})

    Default: /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX${configure.sdk_version}.sdk (later macOS with Command Line Tools)

    Default: ${developer_dir}/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX${configure.sdk_version}.sdk (macOS without Command Line Tools)

  • Example:

configure.fflags, configure.fflags-append, configure.fflags-delete

Set FFLAGS to be passed to the Fortran compiler; list modifiers add or delete items from a previous Portfile configure.fflags keyword or the default set by MacPorts base.

  • Default: ${configure.optflags}

  • Example:

    configure.fflags    -Os
configure.fcflags, configure.fcflags-append, configure.fcflags-delete

Set FCFLAGS to be passed to the Fortran compiler; list modifiers add or delete items from a previous Portfile configure.fcflags keyword or the default set by MacPorts base.

  • Default: ${configure.optflags}

  • Example:

    configure.fcflags   -Os
configure.f90flags, configure.f90flags-append, configure.f90flags-delete

Set F90FLAGS to be passed to the Fortran 90 compiler; list modifiers add or delete items from a previous Portfile configure.f90flags keyword or the default set by MacPorts base.

  • Default: ${configure.optflags}

  • Example:

    configure.f90flags  -Os

C compiler for the CC environment variable when invoking the configure script.

  • Default: ???

  • Example:

    configure.cc        ${prefix}/bin/gcc-mp-4.2

C preprocessor for the CPP environment variable when invoking the configure script.

  • Default: ???

  • Example:

    configure.cpp       /usr/bin/cpp-3.3

C++ compiler for the CXX environment variable when invoking the configure script.

  • Default: ???

  • Example:

    configure.cxx       /usr/bin/g++-4.0

Objective-C compiler for the OBJC environment variable when invoking the configure script.

  • Default: ???

  • Example:

    configure.objc      /usr/bin/gcc-4.0

Fortran compiler for the FC environment variable when invoking the configure script.

  • Default: ???

  • Example:

    configure.fc        ${prefix}/bin/gfortran-mp-4.2

Fortran 77 compiler for the F77 environment variable when invoking the configure script.

  • Default: ???

  • Example:

    configure.f77       ${prefix}/bin/gfortran-mp-4.2

Fortran 90 compiler for the F90 environment variable when invoking the configure script.

  • Default: ???

  • Example:

    configure.f90       ${prefix}/bin/gfortran-mp-4.2

Java compiler for the JAVAC environment variable when invoking the configure script.

  • Default: ???

  • Example:

    configure.javac     ${prefix}/bin/jikes

Select a compiler suite to fill the compiler environment variables. All variables/tools a compiler suite can provide are set. Manually set variables are not overwritten. Keep in mind that not all compiler suites might be available on your platform: gcc-3.3 is available on Mac OS X 10.3 and 10.4 PowerPC, gcc-4.0 is available on 10.4 and 10.5, gcc-4.2 and llvm-gcc-4.2 are available on 10.5 and 10.6, and clang is available on 10.6 and later.

Only use it if a port really needs a specific different compiler. In many situations, the requirements system described in the CompilerSelection page on the wiki is more flexible.

  • Default: apple-gcc-4.2 on Mac OS X 10.4

  • Default: gcc-4.2 with Xcode 3.x on Mac OS X 10.5 and 10.6

  • Default: llvm-gcc-4.2 with Xcode 4.0 through 4.2 on Mac OS X 10.6 and 10.7

  • Default: clang with Xcode 4.3 and later on OS X 10.7 and later

  • Values: gcc-3.3 gcc-4.0 gcc-4.2 llvm-gcc-4.2 clang macports-clang-3.3 macports-clang-3.4 macports-clang-3.7 macports-clang-3.8 macports-clang-3.9 macports-clang-4.0 macports-clang-5.0 macports-clang-6.0 apple-gcc-4.0 apple-gcc-4.2 macports-gcc-4.3 macports-gcc-4.4 macports-gcc-4.5 macports-gcc-4.6 macports-gcc-4.7 macports-gcc-4.8 macports-gcc-4.9 macports-gcc-5 macports-gcc-6 macports-gcc-7 macports-gcc-8

  • Example:

    configure.compiler  macports-gcc-4.5

Set PERL flag for selecting a Perl interpreter.

  • Default: ???

  • Example:

    configure.perl      ${prefix}/bin/perl5.26

Set PYTHON flag for selecting a Python interpreter.

  • Default: ???

  • Example:

    configure.python    ${prefix}/bin/python2.7

Set RUBY flag for selecting a Ruby interpreter.

  • Default: ???

  • Example:

    configure.ruby      ${prefix}/bin/ruby

Set INSTALL flag for selecting an install tool; used for copying files and creating directories.

  • Default: /usr/bin/install

  • Example:

    configure.install   ${prefix}/bin/ginstall

Set AWK flag for selecting an awk executable.

  • Default: ???

  • Example:

    configure.awk       ${prefix}/bin/gawk

Set BISON flag for selecting a bison executable, a parser generator.

  • Default: ???

  • Example:

    configure.bison     /usr/bin/bison

Set PKG_CONFIG flag for helping find pkg_config, a tool for retrieving information about installed libraries.

  • Default: ???

  • Example:

    configure.pkg_config    ${prefix}/bin/pkg-config

Set PKG_CONFIG_PATH flag for telling pkg_config where to search for information about installed libraries.

  • Default: ${prefix}/lib/pkgconfig:${prefix}/share/pkgconfig

  • Example:

    configure.pkg_config_path   ${python.prefix}/lib/pkgconfig
configure.args, configure.pre_args, configure.post_args

Main arguments to configure.cmd; optional argument modifiers pass arguments before and after the main arguments.

  • Default: none

  • Example:

    configure.args      --bindir=${prefix}/bin

The following argument modifiers are available:

  • configure.pre_args, defaults to: --prefix=${prefix}

  • configure.post_args, defaults to: none

  • Examples:

    configure.pre_args  --prefix=${prefix}/share/bro
    configure.post_args OPT="-D__DARWIN_UNIX03" Configure Universal

Universal keywords are used to make a port compile on OS X for multiple architectures.


There is a default universal variant made available to all ports by MacPorts base, so redefining universal keywords should only be done to make a given port compile if the default options fail to do so.


Arguments used in the configure script to build the port universal.

  • Default: --disable-dependency-tracking

  • Example:

    TODO: add example

Additional flags to put in the CFLAGS environment variable when invoking the configure script. Default value is based on ${configure.universal_archs}.

  • Default:

    (PowerPC Tiger) -isysroot ${developer_dir}/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk -arch i386 -arch ppc

    (Intel Tiger / Leopard) -arch i386 -arch ppc

    (Snow Leopard through High Sierra) -arch x86_64 -arch i386

    (Big Sur and later) -arch arm64 -arch x86_64

  • Example:

    TODO: add example

Additional flags to put in the CPPFLAGS environment variable when invoking the configure script.

  • Default:

    (PowerPC Tiger) -isysroot ${developer_dir}/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk

    (others) none

  • Example:

    TODO: add example

Additional flags to put in the CXXFLAGS environment variable when invoking the configure script. Default value is based on ${configure.universal_archs}.

  • Default:

    (PowerPC Tiger) -isysroot ${developer_dir}/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk -arch i386 -arch ppc

    (Intel Tiger / Leopard) -arch i386 -arch ppc

    (Snow Leopard through High Sierra) -arch x86_64 -arch i386

    (Big Sur and later) -arch arm64 -arch x86_64

  • Example:

    TODO: add example

Additional flags to put in the LDFLAGS environment variable when invoking the configure script.

  • Default:

    (PowerPC Tiger) -Wl,-syslibroot,${developer_dir}/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk -arch i386 -arch ppc

    (Intel Tiger / Leopard) -arch i386 -arch ppc

    (Snow Leopard through High Sierra) -arch x86_64 -arch i386

    (Big Sur and later) -arch arm64 -arch x86_64

  • Example:

    TODO: add example Automake, Autoconf, and Autoreconf

The list of configure keywords available for ports that need automake and/or autoconf.


Whether or not to use autoreconf

  • Default: no

  • Example:

    use_autoreconf      yes

Arguments to pass to autoreconf.

  • Default: --install --verbose

  • Example:

    autoreconf.args       --install --verbose --force

Directory in which to run ${autoreconf.cmd}.

  • Default: ${worksrcpath}

  • Example:

    autoreconf.dir        ./src

Whether or not to use automake.

  • Default: no

  • Example:

    use_automake        yes

Environment variables to pass to automake.

  • Default: ???

  • Example:

    automake.env        CFLAGS=-I${prefix}/include

Arguments to pass to automake.

  • Default: ???

  • Example:

    automake.args       --foreign

Directory in which to run ${automake.cmd}.

  • Default: ${worksrcpath}

  • Example:

    automake.dir        ./src

Whether or not to use autoconf.

  • Default: no

  • Example:

    use_autoconf        yes

Environmental variables to pass to autoconf.

  • Default: ???

  • Example:

    autoconf.env        CFLAGS=-I${prefix}/include/gtk12

Arguments to pass to autoconf.

  • Default: ???

  • Example:

    autoconf.args       "-l src/aclocaldir"

Directory in which to run ${autoconf.cmd}.

  • Default: ${worksrcpath}

  • Example:

    autoconf.dir        src

5.3.8. Build Phase Keywords

The list of keywords related to the build phase.


Make command to run in ${worksrcdir}. Only use it if you can't use build.type.

  • Default: make

  • Example:

    build.cmd           scons

Defines which build software is required and sets ${build.cmd} accordingly. The available options are BSD Make, GNU Make, and Xcode.

  • Default: default (the default Make on the current platform)

  • Values: default bsd gnu xcode

  • Example:

    build.type          bsd
build.args, build.pre_args, build.post_args

Main arguments to ${build.cmd}; optional argument modifiers pass arguments before and after the main arguments.

  • Default: none

  • Example:

    build.args          -DNOWARN

The following argument modifiers are available:

  • build.pre_args, defaults to: ${build.target}

  • build.post_args, defaults to: none

  • Examples:

    build.pre_args      -project AudioSlicer.xcode
build.target, build.target-append, build.target-delete

Build target to pass to ${build.cmd}; list modifiers add or delete items from a previous Portfile build.target keyword or the default set by MacPorts base.

  • Default: all

  • Example:

    build.target        all-src
    build.target-append     doc extra
    build.target-delete     compat
build.env, build.env-append, build.env-delete

Set environment variables for build; list modifiers add and delete items from a previous Portfile build.env keyword, or a default set by MacPorts base.

  • Default: none


This keyword is for specifying whether or not it is safe for a port to use multiple CPUs or multiple cores in parallel during its build phase. If use_parallel_build is not set to no in a given port, the option -j${build.jobs} is passed to ${build.cmd} (if ${build.cmd} is make or scons).

  • Default: yes

  • Example:

    use_parallel_build  no

The number of simultaneous jobs to run when parallel build is enabled. The default value is based on the variable buildmakejobs in macports.conf.

  • Default: If buildmakejobs is 0, the number of CPU cores in the machine, or the number of GB of physical memory plus one, whichever is less. Otherwise, the actual value of ${buildmakejobs}.

5.3.9. Test Phase Keywords

The list of keywords related to the test phase.


Enable running test suites bundled with a port.

  • Default: no

  • Example:

    test.run            yes

Test command to run relative to ${worksrcdir}.

  • Default: ${build.cmd}

  • Example:

    test.cmd            checks.sh

Test target to pass to ${test.cmd}.

  • Default: test

  • Example:

    test.target         checks
test.args, test.pre_args, test.post_args

Main arguments to test.cmd; optional argument modifiers pass arguments before and after the main arguments.

  • Default: none

  • Example:

    test.args    -f Makefile.test

The following argument modifiers are available:

  • test.pre_args, defaults to: ${test.target}

  • test.post_args, defaults to: none

test.env, test.env-append, test.env-delete

Set environment variables for test; list modifiers add and delete items from a previous Portfile test.env keyword, or a default set by MacPorts base.

Often DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH is set here to support testing dynamically linked libraries.

  • Default: none

  • Example:

    test.env       DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=${worksrcpath}/src/.libs

5.3.10. Destroot Phase Keywords

The list of keywords related to the destroot phase.


Install command to run relative to ${worksrcdir}.

  • Default: ${build.cmd}

  • Example:

    destroot.cmd        scons
destroot.args, destroot.pre_args, destroot.post_args

Main arguments to ${destroot.cmd}; optional argument modifiers pass arguments before and after the main arguments.

  • Default: none

  • Example:

    destroot.args       BINDIR=${prefix}/bin

The following argument modifiers are available:

  • destroot.pre_args, defaults to: ${destroot.target}

  • destroot.post_args, defaults to: ${destroot.destdir}

  • Examples:

    destroot.pre_args   -project AudioSlicer.xcode
    destroot.post_args  INSTDIR=${destroot}${prefix}
destroot.target, destroot.target-append, destroot.target-delete

Install target to pass to ${destroot.cmd}; list modifiers add or delete items from a previous Portfile destroot.target keyword or the default set by MacPorts base.

  • Default: install

  • Example:

    destroot.target     install install-config install-commandmode
    destroot.target-append  install-plugins
    destroot.target-delete  install-commandmode

Arguments passed to ${destroot.cmd} via ${destroot.post_args} to install correctly into the destroot.

  • Default: DESTDIR=${destroot}

  • Example:

    destroot.destdir    prefix=${destroot}${prefix}


If an application's Makefile properly supports the DESTDIR variable, MacPorts will automatically destroot the port properly. A port must destroot properly or the port will not install correctly, upgrade, or uninstall. If not, you may need to set this variable, or even patch the application's Makefile.


Umask to use during destroot.

  • Default: 022

  • Example:

    destroot.umask      002

A list of directories that should not be removed if empty upon destroot completion.

  • Default: ???

  • Example:

    destroot.keepdirs   ${destroot}${prefix}/var/run \
                        ${destroot}${prefix}/var/log \

MacPorts tests for compliance to the common directory structure in ${prefix}. If a port is not compliant with the standard, set it to yes.

You can find the macports standard in MacPorts File Hierarchy or in the porthier(7) man page.

If destroot.violate_mtree is set to yes, the following warning is issued during the installation.

Warning: portname requests to install files outside the common directory structure!

This means that the port installed files outside of their normal locations in ${prefix}. These could be files totally outside of ${prefix}, which could cause problems on your computer, or files inside of ${prefix} that are not in a standard location. Use port contents portname to see the location for all files that were installed by a given port.

  • Default: no

  • Example:

    destroot.violate_mtree      yes